
[ms_custom_title title=”Button Sizes” subtitle=”There are 4 Sizes”]

You can choose between every size of your need.

[vc_btn title=”Mini” style=”custom” custom_background=”#00bcd4″ custom_text=”#ffffff” shape=”square” size=”xs”][vc_btn title=”Small” style=”custom” custom_background=”#009688″ custom_text=”#ffffff” shape=”square” size=”sm”][vc_btn title=”Normal” style=”custom” custom_background=”#f44336″ custom_text=”#ffffff” shape=”square”][vc_btn title=”Large” style=”custom” custom_background=”#9c27b0″ custom_text=”#ffffff” shape=”square” size=”lg”]
[ms_custom_title title=”Shapes” subtitle=”3 Shape Types”]

All buttons can be shaped like below.

[vc_btn title=”Rounded” style=”custom” custom_background=”#00bcd4″ custom_text=”#ffffff”][vc_btn title=”Round” style=”custom” custom_background=”#009688″ custom_text=”#ffffff” shape=”round”][vc_btn title=”Square” style=”custom” custom_background=”#f44336″ custom_text=”#ffffff” shape=”square”]
[ms_custom_title title=”Icons” subtitle=”Left or Right”]

You can choose from hundereds of icons and place on buttons left side or right side.

[vc_btn title=”Success” style=”custom” custom_background=”#00bcd4″ custom_text=”#ffffff” shape=”square” i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-check” add_icon=”true”][vc_btn title=”Warning” style=”custom” custom_background=”#009688″ custom_text=”#ffffff” shape=”square” i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-exclamation-triangle” add_icon=”true”][vc_btn title=”Information” style=”custom” custom_background=”#f44336″ custom_text=”#ffffff” shape=”square” i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-info-circle” add_icon=”true”][vc_btn title=”Love” style=”custom” custom_background=”#9c27b0″ custom_text=”#ffffff” shape=”square” i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-heart” add_icon=”true”]
[ms_custom_title title=”Modern” subtitle=”Styled Buttons”]

This is the modern button type, there other types for buttons.

[vc_btn title=”Button” color=”turquoise”][vc_btn title=”Button” color=”success”][vc_btn title=”Button” color=”danger”][vc_btn title=”Button” color=”violet”]
[ms_custom_title title=”Outline” subtitle=”Styled Buttons”]

Outline only but also has a filling hover effect.

[vc_btn title=”Button” style=”outline” color=”turquoise”][vc_btn title=”Button” style=”outline” color=”success”][vc_btn title=”Button” style=”outline” color=”danger”][vc_btn title=”Button” style=”outline” color=”violet”]
[ms_custom_title title=”3D Buttons” subtitle=”Effective”]

3D effect buttons are the one of the coolest.

[vc_btn title=”Button” style=”3d” color=”turquoise”][vc_btn title=”Button” style=”3d” color=”success”][vc_btn title=”Button” style=”3d” color=”danger”][vc_btn title=”Button” style=”3d” color=”violet”]

A propos

BeautyCils est un spécialiste en extensions de cils avec différents techniques Cil à Cil et Volume Russe Classique , 2D, 3D, 4D, 5D. Nos esthéticiennes en institut à Paris et en Ile de France sont formées aux dernières techniques pour la pose de vos extensions de cils et lamination de sourcils. Microblading des sourcils. Vente de matériel également : colle extension de cils, kit. Beautycils® est une marque déposée.

Tél: 01 86 86 07 07
de 11h00 à 19h00
Urgence: 07 44 44 43 94

[email protected]